Project Paragon Wiki

Welcome to the Project Paragon Wiki[]

The Wiki Page for the Construction, Design and Research of the Paragon Project.

Currently the World of Paragon is being designed by the Lead Designer, Kerathous/Nadir/AngryParagon, but assistance is always welcome and encouraged. The World is currently being developed for a roleplaying website, with the end goal in mind of being able to create the world for roleplay within a more current platform for players to enjoy and experience.

For those wishing to become a member of the Paragon design team, or simply wishing to get into the world in general, please contact Kerathous/Nadir with any queries, or to be added into the group, so you may begin to assist with the creation of the world.

About Paragon[]

The "Paragon" Project aims to design a world which is suited for roleplaying that blurs the lines between 'High Fantasy' and more modern ideas and concepts, enabling a wide variety of styles and themes to be integrated into one meshing world for the benefit and production of quality roleplay.

The concept originally was thought of as the setting and storyline for a 'manga' style comic, with the title coming from the main character's designated affiliated faction, being the 'Paragon Order '.

Whilst this project began as a solo one, being the product of the mind of 'Kerathous' (Also known as Daniel or Asmoriel), everyone is encouraged to give their input in order to try to make the world design a little more fluid and in depth, to give it a setting that everyone could enjoy and take part in. However, not all suggestions may be suitable, and that is why the design is a little more democratic, and everyone gets a say before something is confirmed...

The World of Tehrannis, and Paragon, is Intellectual Property of Daniel J. MacTaggart, along with all copyright and ownership.

Latest activity[]
